Program Observation Reliability Training

Classroom observation training opportunities.

Trainings are developed by Children’s Institute and provided to clients in a variety of programs, community-based organizations, and agencies across New York State and the United States.


ERS Reliability Training
The reliability training uses the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3, ECERS-R), Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R) or the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS). Participants will receive advanced in-house training on the specific ERS tool and guided practice conducting assessments in child care settings. Comprehensive debriefing will follow each practice assessment, led by experienced group leaders.

Refresher ERS Training
Refresher training uses the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3) or the Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R). Participants will complete observations with reliable field trainers for three days.



For more information and to request a training quote, contact:
Kim Avery, MS
Early Care and Education Specialist