Professional Development Offerings through BOCES, Winter/Spring 2022

Professional Development Offerings through BOCES, Winter/Spring 2022

2 hour virtual sessions

Introduction to Social Emotional Learning and Racial Equity        
DATE: Wednesday, January 26        
TIME: 3:30-5:30 pm

Introduction to Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Racial Equity introduces social and emotional learning in the context of a critical and anti-racist framework. This learning experience is for all educators and leaders committed to their own growth and development related to SEL and Racial Equity. It will provide shared language and a foundation to understand the relationship between racism and SEL. It will explore the various fears people face when engaging in racialized work and conversations, as well as effective frameworks to counter those fears. Lastly, this session will give participants an opportunity to explore some of the pitfalls of Social Emotional Learning and Equity, along with some of the recommendations to address the pitfalls. Facilitators understand and are responsive to the sensitivity of racialized conversations, the potential for harm among racial minority participants, the different lived experiences people bring and the various levels of engagement people have in this work.

Cost: $50

Register: Frontline Education (

Centering Youth Voice through Culturally Responsive Relationships
: Tuesday, February 1            
TIME: 3:30-5:30 pm

In today’s ever-changing and increasingly complex world, youth need opportunities to engage with adults and each other in meaningful ways. They deserve spaces, experiences and adults that support them to develop and be their full selves. This session is designed for middle and high school educators who are interested in intentionally and effectively creating those spaces and experiences in partnership with students. Participants will explore practical ways to amplify youth voice as well as consider redefining youth engagement from power over to power with young people. This interactive learning experience will provide practical strategies and resources that align with NYSED’s Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Framework. Participants will leave with two take away resources that include a youth developed tip sheet and strategies for implementation.

Cost: $50

Register: Frontline Education (

Creating a Culture of Care                            
: Thursday, March 10
TIME: 3:30-5:30 pm

What a couple of years it has been! If you think back to the first few months of 2020, would you have ever imagined all of the challenges you would face over the course of the next two years? How can you reflect, recover and move forward as you continue to face uncertainty and unprecedented challenges? There are no simple answers and the journey will look different for each one of us. This session is designed for all educators and will provide participants space and time to reflect, opportunities to process and support each other in small groups, and strategies to work together to create a culture of care that supports social-emotional learning, safety and well-being. 

Cost: $50

Register: Frontline Education (

PD sessions are offered through Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, or these virtual opportunities can be customized for your school or district. Contact Andrea Bertucci for more information.