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15 October 2018 |

Welcome to October!!  By now, the smell has faded from your new school year calendar, you have already lost, lent, or given away many of your writing utensils, and the day-to-day challenges have begun to set in.  At the same time, your routines are established, your students know what to do, and you are likely through your review period and into teaching new material.

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17 September 2018 |

New York State's new mental health literacy curriculum is now in effect for the 2018-19 school year. As it has rolled out, there has been some confusion about whether social and emotional learning programs, curricula, strategies, and practices are enough to satisfy this new law.

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17 September 2018 |

At the SEL Center, we are often asked what social and emotional skills look like at different ages and stages. What should a Kindergartener be able to do? How much can a 5th grader actually handle? Is this appropriate behavior for a high school senior


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14 August 2018 |

By Elizabeth Devaney, SEL Center Director

Summer.  It’s a time of fun and relaxation. A break from all the structure and hard work of the school year.  But it is also a time of transitions. And for some kids, those transitions and the break in the routine is tough.  Although they may enjoy sleeping late, or making new friends at camp, or more time to play, it can also be hard to adjust to all that freedom.  And for many, anticipation of the next step, whether it is just a new teacher, or the bigger step to a new school, can produce some anxiety. 

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13 August 2018 |

Danette Campbell-Bell is a highly skilled Youth Development Practitioner, Consultant, Trainer, Instructor, Coach, Mentor and Conference Speaker with over twenty years of experience in developing, implementing and managing creative, quality youth programs with a track record of high performance outcomes.  Danette is a champion, advocate and voice for children and youth. She is the Seed Planter!

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