Earl Greene promoted to leadership role

Earl Greene promoted to leadership role

16 Nov 2020


Children’s Institute (CI) is pleased to announce the promotion of Earl Greene, MA, CAMS-1/Fellow, ACT Certified Trainer, who will expand his current role conducting behavior supports for children at Children's Institute which he began in March of 2020. In his appointment to leadership, he will lead CI's racial and social justice, family engagement and equity efforts to advance holistic wellbeing in children. His voluntary engagement supporting restorative practices and cultural humility has strengthened CI over these past many months. We continue to benefit daily from his years of professional and lived experience leading community-wide change on issues of racial and social justice and organizational development in cultural humility. Formalizing these involvements will be instrumental as we continue to foster CI's commitment to our values identified as part of our strategic planning effort.

Our staff has been working to strengthen learning and engagement as an organization in racial and social justice areas. Building from this collective energy and continued, increasing engagement, Earl will now be a constant colleague and ambassador of change and improvement to grow our capacities through ongoing advisement, involvement, and leadership. 

Key aspects of his role expansion include planning and improving activities that advance CI’s racial and social justice and equity initiatives. He will work to increase support for CI and other organization's cultural responsiveness and parent- and family-centeredness by advancing culture change as well as staff practice and program responsiveness (change processes). He will continue to support behavioral health capacity building and intervention within early learning, childcare and family settings involving young children – including case consultation of children’s needs. He will do so while supporting the advancement of these additional goals across CIs areas. With Whole Child Connection, for instance, he will work together to facilitate exploration and integration of SEL and equity practices while also refining their K-12 consultation model as it relates to integrating equity and anti-racism. He will be a focal point in promoting parent and family centered programmatic work where this is taking root across CI.
We welcome Earl Greene to this leadership role beginning November 16, 2020, and are honored to work with him in support of our mission.


–Ann Marie White, Ed.D.
Executive Director

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